As a PLAB 2 coach , you will help candidates on IMGstudybuddy prepare for their PLAB exam and dream for joining UK medical practice with one-on-one coaching sessions and providing them with material to prepare for the exam. Earn additional income while helping others succeed!
The Benefits of joining IMGstudybuddy as a Coach
Be part of the largest community of PLAB 2 exam candidates and start your journey as a flexible independent coach. Earn additional income while helping others succeed!
Average hourly rate for our coaches
New candidates every week
Active coaches
Requirements to become an IMGstudybuddy Coach
You have passed the PLAB 2 exam and have full GMC registration
You are motivated to be active and contribute to community our IMGstudybuddy
Previous tutoring experience desirable
Become a Coach on IMGstudybuddy
On IMGstudybuddy, we enable you to create your own coaching brand and build a standing within the largest PLAB 2 exam online community worldwide. Make use of our tools to showcase your expertise and pass on your knowledge to the candidates!
3 Steps to Your coaching business
Use our sign-up form and upload your CV to get in touch with us.
Complete your profile to finalize your application as a coach.
We will review your information and give you a response within 48 hours.
What are you waiting for? Get started as a coach now!
Get in Touch
Our excellent customer support team is ready to help.